Once upon a time there were two little basenji sisters, Hela and Meira. Once they were on their walk and suddenly saw really strange creatures.
Otukset seisoivat hiljaa paikallaan tuijotellen.
Creatures were standing still and just stearing.
Hela: Enpä ole ennen nähnyt!
Meira: Oh! Look, sis, what on earth are those?
Hela: I have never seen those!
Meira: Katsonpa täältä tarkasti enkä mene lähemmäs.
Meira: I'll look carefully from here, not going closer.
Hela: Would I see them better from this side?
Hela: Hi! Who are you? Ou, horses? Just saying hello from hear farer.
Meira:If my sister dares to go so near then I can go too. I think.
Hela: Uh, this is so exiting. I think I'll eat this pine cone while I figure out what I should do.
Meira: Cone? I want one too!
Ja sitten he menivät kotiin.
And then they went home.
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